
ECOBARI acknowledges the inherent bond between us and our ecosystems we depend on. Arising from a portmanteau of “Eco” (ecosystem) and “Bari” (home in diverse Indian languages), ECOBARI emphasizes fostering harmony and protecting our ecological home for the well-being and sustainability of future generations.

Our Vision

Empowered communities sustainably regenerate and manage their ecosystems, conserve biodiversity, derive resilient incomes, and improve their quality of life through nature based and nature positive solutions, as they adapt to climate change

Our Mission

To be a leading platform that grounds Ecosystem-based Adaptation at scale through ‘science-practice-business’ partnerships, policy enablement and resource provisioning, so as to achieve the SDGs, the Land Degradation Neutrality Target, and Paris and Glasgow commitments

Why EbA for Resilient Incomes?

The year 2030 is a milestone year that beckons us with urgency to meet the UN 2030 Agenda on Sustainable Development and the targets set for achieving the Sustainable Development Goals, the Paris Agreement Commitments, Land Degradation Neutrality (LDN), and the Global Biodiversity Framework (GBF) targets. With this decade (2021-2030) named the UNCCD’s ‘Decade for Ecosystem Restoration’ and the UN’s ‘Decade for Action’, India is urged to meet its Nationally Determined Commitments, the LDN and GBF targets and its Sustainable Development Goals

What is EbA?

Ecosystem-based Adaptation (EbA) is a nature-friendly approach that harnesses "biodiversity and ecosystem services as part of an overall adaptation strategy to the adverse effects of climate change" (CBD, 2009)

Between 2019 and 2021, a series of workshops co-organized by WOTR/W-CReS and TMG Research gGmbH were held in Maharashtra, India, to discuss Ecosystem-based Adaptation (EbA) as a means to achieve the UN 2030 agenda. The focus was on enhancing the resilience of rural communities against climate change-induced land degradation. In 2020, stakeholders unanimously agreed to scale up EbA efforts, as previous actions were often implemented in isolation. As a result of these engagements, ECOBARI was launched in 2021 by WOTR/W-CReS and eight partners. ECOBARI aims to connect and pool resources from various sectors to bridge the gap between science, practice, and policy for sustainable outcomes

Our Theory of Change

We effectively empower communities by supporting and advocating for projects and organisations that practise or seek to practise Ecosystem-based Adaptation (EbA) along entire value chains and value webs.

This entails enabling access to the required knowledge of EbA, providing guidance and expertise on its implementation, and creating a platform for people and organisations to connect and acquire the necessary resources to learn and innovate – in order to rapidly scale EbA insights and successes

Our Strategic Action Cells

We have three action cells that guide our work. Members with relevant expertise and resources may be invited to join these action cells to further our objectives with strategic inputs.

Ecosystem Development

Ecosystem Development

• Promoting behavioural and institutional change interventions to upscale EbA

• Expanding ECOBARI’s influence through policy advocacy and membership drives

• Identifying events, platforms, and geographies where ECOBARI can engage

Principle Development

Principle Development

• Developing and demonstrating tools and pedagogies for implementing EbA

• Coordinating training and capacity-building sessions for different stakeholder groups

• Demonstrating EbA effectiveness through pilot programmes to promote evidence generation at scale

Knowledge Generation

Knowledge Generation

• Gathering case studies and evidence through monitoring, evaluation and learning for upscaling EbA

• Sharing best practices for awareness and appreciation of EbA among various stakeholders

• Recognizing and addressing knowledge gaps to scaling up EbA

Our Founding Members

Promoter & convenor

Other founding partners

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