Building Resilience Film Screening

An unique event focused on India’s future for food security and climate resilience. Short films were screened from different parts of the country focusing on important themes like water management and climate-resilient agriculture highlighting the importance of food security in the agricultural sector.

The event brought together experts who shared their knowledge and ideas on building resilience in India. They discussed scientific insights and community involvement to create stronger and more resilient communities. The esteemed panel of experts included Dr. Marcella D’Souza (Director, W-CReS), Hansika Singh (Principal Strategist, Forum), Manan Bhan (Fellow in Residence, ATREE), Gopi Sankarasubramani (Farmer & Trustee, Navadarshanam), Nayantara Bagla (Chef & Partner, The Circus Canteen), and Seema Purushothaman (Professor, Azim Premji University).

The event aimed to inspire collaboration and action by showcasing inspiring short films and facilitating meaningful conversations. It highlighted the significance of adopting sustainable practices and leveraging technology to enhance resilience in the agricultural sector. The ultimate goal was to find practical solutions that would ensure a secure and resilient food system for India, benefiting farmers and communities across the country.


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